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Advent meditation series

Writer: Jessica FisherJessica Fisher

The theme of this year's advent series is encountering the Prince of Peace.

This meditation series is an opportunity to connect with Christ in a different way, and to encounter His peace.

There are three meditations to engage with over the next three weeks.

Week 1

This is a Kataphatic meditation which is a Christian contemplation practice. It is a guided meditation where we hear a part of the advent story, and then spend time meeting with Jesus through guided imagery. The intention of this practice is to start our advent journey by making room at our table for Jesus, the Prince of peace.


This meditation takes the principles of centring prayer and invites us to turn towards Jesus as our Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9 tells us that 'of the greatness of His government and peace there will be no end'. Our world is in great need of the government and peace of Christ, and we are invited to open our hearts to His peace this advent season.


This final meditation in our advent series is a prayer for peace. We begin by praying peace over ourselves, and then we are guided to pray for others and for the world. This practice is based on the principles of a loving kindness meditation and enables us to experience Christ’s compassion and peace for ourselves, and to extend the same to others through this guided prayer.

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